Hi beautiful soul, I’m Yiz.

Your permission slip to be unapologetically you, choose your most enjoyable life & live in accordance with your authentic soul power.

As a strong emissary of truth and advocate for vulnerability, I believe in the healing power of sharing our stories. This is the journey that has led me here, to be of authentic service to you.

By age 25, I was deep in the trenches, cold rock bottom and dark throes of my quarter life crisis. A dark night of the soul that lasted several years, where I was so close to giving up on myself, on my life, on my desire for everything to be different. Drowning in despair, shackled to my own self-limiting beliefs, desperate for relief from the inauthentic reality I found myself in. I was sick of living a lie, playing roles that brought aches to my bones, and ignoring my truth that was pleading for my attention. There was a point where I felt so lost, so frustrated, so upset, that the only relief I could find was in introspection, in connecting to my soul, understanding myself better, and channeling its messages through writing.

After many years of suffering, of not trusting my inner guidance, of succumbing to the fearful projections of others, I decided to take my life back into my own hands. I consciously demolished everything in my life that didn’t align, carefully selected the materials with which to rebuild my life from, and designed my new life in accordance with my authenticity. I took the biggest leaps of my life, all in the same year - moved to my dream island, left my safe & secure, yet inexpressibly grueling corporate job, left an unfulfilling relationship, started my own business, began serving in ways that aligned with my dharma, and said yes to my dreams.

In my own lived experience, I have treaded into the treacherous territory of living inauthentically, and navigated my way through many storms to be where I am today - living in radical honesty, freedom and alignment. I remember feeling like everything in my life was unaligned, like a burden, wondering how I could ever survive the rest of my life in so much agony. It hasn’t been an easy journey, in fact many moments I thought I could never make it out of the prison I had found myself in, and I know I am not alone in this story. Our society and its expectations sets many of us up for an inauthentic and small life, and I know my story can be a living example and beacon for souls out there longing for drastic change, yet feeling unworthy, stuck and struggling to find the courage & clarity to make it happen.

I suspect there might be a voice inside trying to convince you that somehow I’m different from you, that there’s something unique about me and you can’t possibly find a way out of your own living cage. My love, I’m here to tell you that this can be you too. Let me hold your hand along the new, irresistible path beckoning you.

Your transformation awaits.

My Approach

For most people, their spiritual teacher is their suffering. because eventually the suffering brings about awakening.
— Eckhart Tolle

Today, I serve as a Trauma-informed + Psychosynthesis Life Coach, guiding committed self-development enthusiasts to their clarity, confidence, and authenticity, so that they can experience the profound liberation and purpose that comes with embodying their unapologetic expression.



There is no greater gift you can offer the world than that of your authentic embodiment. I guide you home to your truth, to the inner seat of all-knowing, and to the blueprint that enables you to live your most fulfilling, joyous, and aligned life.


I empower you to be your best self - granting you permission to be all that you want in this life. Our work together lends to increased confidence, faith in oneself, and ultimately to you showing up as the most empowered main character in your life story.



  • I graduated from The Psychospiritual Institute’s Psychosynthesis Life Coaching intensive program in 2022.

  • I graduated from Rise Above Yoga’s Trauma-informed training for coaches, leaders & facilitators in 2022.

  • I graduated from the Psyche Institute’s Spiritual Counselor training program in 2020.

  • I graduated cum laude from Penn State University in 2017 with a B.A. in Supply Chain Management and minor in Sustainability Leadership.


I know what it’s like to feel the helplessness of your own mental shackles.

I coach because I so badly love seeing people embody the best most authentic versions of themselves and creating a life that exhilarates them in every way. 

I coach because I long to see more empowered souls in our world, living their Dharma and feeling connected to the eternal fabric of life and love.

I coach to offer the medicine I needed - of feeling seen, held, and understood in all my pain, fear, and deepest desires.

I coach because I recognize and own my natural gift for inspiring, guiding, and empowering others as a catalyst to unlocking their own unapologetic expression.