Yiz Mariposa Yiz Mariposa


With wakefulness comes great response-ability.

What to do with all this love?

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Yiz Mariposa Yiz Mariposa

Becoming Butterfly

As caterpillar, I gulped down undigested experiences as much and as quickly as I could. How could one be so full of experiences, substances, and sensations, yet feel so empty inside?

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Yiz Mariposa Yiz Mariposa

O n e

The silent acknowledgment that lets someone know, you get it. That they’re not alone in what they feel, that life hasn’t singled them out…

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Yiz Mariposa Yiz Mariposa

in the name of love

Nothing evolves us like love. And by love I don’t just mean the kind that has you waking up with a warmer heart.

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Yiz Mariposa Yiz Mariposa

what gets me through the hard moments?

For years i have shown up for my self-reflection writing and contemplation practice as devotedly as brushing my teeth. For it has been my life line, my life vest when life has tried to pull me under.

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Yiz Mariposa Yiz Mariposa

Read This If You’re Struggling To Keep Going

Do you realize, that you have a 100% survival rate? Do you realize, that there is not a single thing you have not overcome? If you are still breathing, being, and reading these words, you are not only a survivor, but a victor.

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Yiz Mariposa Yiz Mariposa


Who knew, that the fragments of my wounds could become the most beautiful stained glass window?

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Yiz Mariposa Yiz Mariposa


And perhaps there’s a place where peace can exist independent of circumstances. A space deep in our core that is ever untouched by the happenings within the currents of change in our lives.

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Yiz Mariposa Yiz Mariposa


In the depths of my inner oceans, I am met by the many faces of my past. I observe my scars like a montage of what’s influenced me.

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Yiz Mariposa Yiz Mariposa

holy unraveling

In the confusion and strife, how tempting it is to seek the answers, resolution, relief. To be reborn as quickly as possible. But what if you could stay - happily, peacefully, even willingly, in the dark, wet, dense cocoon?

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