A guided 12-week journey of


authentic embodiment,

& relational liberation

what price are you willing to pay to create an authentic life? 

you aren’t here to be mildly happy

to be moderately free,

to be compliant to a mediocre life that exists within the bounds of “safety”,

yet masks the bigness of your birthright of bliss.

your dreams aren’t meant to be domesticated,

they are meant to be chosen. 

it is entirely up to you love,

how far you go, how free you feel, how authentic you become.

will you let the rumble of your rapture clear the way? 

know you deserve this.

Unapologetically You is for you if…

  • you desire to feel more confident, clear, and empowered in who you are and what you want

  • you are ready to reclaim your power as the leader of your life and truly break free from limiting stories, beliefs, and blocks to living your best, most desired, and fulfilling life

  • you are ready to turn away from self-sabotage and towards Self-realization

  • you want to be able to choose yourself, prioritize your needs, end codependent patterns and put yourself first without feeling selfish

  • you feel the call to align with a deeper sense of meaning, purpose, choice, and freedom in your life

  • you want to feel safe and equipped to be more expressed in communication, advocating for your needs, desires, and boundaries

  • you no longer want to to hide your full self from others, want to be authentic in relationships and experience more depth, intimacy, and meaningful connections

  • you are ready to end patterns that keep you small, stuck, or suffering to no longer feel held back from living, being, and doing what you desire

  • you want to cultivate a relationship to your true essence, limitlessness, and unconditional wholeness

the metamorphic journey:

4 modules


    I. DEATH

    Getting unmasked & shedding layers of inauthenticity



    Shadow love & soul retrieval



    Rediscovering & rewilding



    Reclaiming & activating your authentic code

is a deep dive into a metamorphosis, not just for this chapter, but for the remainder of your life.

For you, your inner child, your future self, your lineage and all your relations.

imagine this, unapologetically you…

  • More confident, clear & empowered in who you are and what you want


  • Aware of your deepest truth & connected to your unshakable self-assurance

  • Able to make decisions & take actions aligned with your heart & soul’s deepest desires, purpose, and values

  • you feel safe to be truth, to deviate from how others expect you to be, or how you believe you need to be, and evolve

  • you value yourself by sharing + enforcing your boundaries and what’s important to you

  • you feel safe and excited to explore your edges with intimacy and presence with others

  • embrace challenges as holy teachers & invitations to growth rather than feeling victimized by life

  • you freely and easefully follow your curiosity, inspiration and interest

  • Liberated from fear holding you back from pursuing your dreams, visions & untamed joy

  • you feel more accepting of & connected to your truest self, to others, and to life itself

next round begins october 1st, 2024

Weekly Meeting Time:

—Tuesdays —

3:00-5:00 PM PST | 6:00-8:00 pm EST

Just as the acorn contains the blueprint to become an oak tree, I help you unlock the seeds within waiting to bloom into all that you are mean’t to be…

my approach - transformation tools

  • Psychosynthesis

    As a Transpersonal Psychology Coach, I draw upon Psychosynthesis methodologies that help to guide you home to the truest and largest possible context of who you are, so you can remember your innate worthiness, wholeness, and unlimited power. We tend to and ultimately reclaim wounded aspects of yourself that are preventing you from living a soul-infused, heart-aligned, and purpose-led life. I assist you in overcoming obstacles at the personality level, so you can become more connected to authenticity and have access to our deeper soul calling that moves you into more aliveness, love, freedom and fulfillment. Through Psychosynthesis processes, we reclaim full agency over our lives, become more self-realized, and centered in our authentic gifts.

    Psychosynthesis is “Psychology with a Soul” - in other words, it’s a modern approach to psychology that bridges both the psychology & science of the psyche with our deeper spiritual essence. Through various methods and techniques, it recognizes our inner most truth, the Self, supporting us to achieve greater presence, self-awareness, and authenticity. Liberating joy and alignment with your authentic self, Psychosynthesis provides the tools to become more conscious and aware, reclaiming leadership and sovereignty over your life, and help to accelerate your evolution in a positive, powerful way.

  • Other Modalities

    In our journey, I draw upon an amalgam of tools to provide a comprehensive experience, tailored to your whole human + spirit.

    Inner Child Healing

    Trauma Awareness + Somatic Attunement

    Nervous System Regulation

    Shadow Integration + Soul Retrieval

    NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming)

    Ancestral Healing

    Authentic Relating

    Creativity + Writing

    Chakra Balancing

    Astrology | Human Design | Gene Keys

    *This course is trauma-informed , where we hold your past experiences - the things that have made you, you - with loving awareness, fierce compassion, and tender curiosity.

Psychosynthesis is a method of psychological development and self realization for those who refuse to remain the slave of their own inner phantasms or of external influences, who refuse to submit passively to the play of psychological forces which is going on within them, and who are determined to become the master of their own lives.

Roberto Assagioli, Founder of Psychosynthesis

Our world needs you in your greatness.

The central objective in all creation is to fulfill itself - that is - to become its highest expression. You, in embodiment of your authentic power, is the greatest medicine you can offer the world. Together, we can shed every sticky and stubborn layer insulating you from aligning with your truest essence, from reveling in your joy, from feeling the freedom that is your birthright. This life isn’t mean’t to feel like a burden, but rather is mean’t to be enjoyed, to bring you fulfillment, to invite all the colors of your soul to come alive and for you to unreservedly sing the song of your beloved, beautiful heart.

“I now live in this body. I feel a deeper sense of who I am, this inner knowing of trusting myself and my own perspective on things. I don’t have that weather in my head anymore, of trying to please others or with how it looks to others on the outside. It’s a really freeing feeling.”


“Through Unapologetically You I started really appreciating myself and loving myself, and literally every aspect of me, whether it was like my path, something physical about me, my knowledge, and just fully gave myself the self-love. I now put myself on that pedestal that I put everyone else on, and everyone else puts me on too.”


“Unapologetically You forced me into a space that I had always avoided and was inevitably holding me back in life. With Yiz's guidance I was able to dive deep into those things and had complete support. This program helped me to embrace my emotions and vulnerability in a way that will benefit me in all aspects of my life moving forward. I was able to appreciate and respect my journey, honor my goals and set real intentions for my future. I no longer feel the need to dim my light, water myself down, or act like I am anybody other than the amazing human being that I am.”

“It is powerful, the way we can grow when we have a devoted guide, a compassionate container, and the resources to help us on our path. Unapologetically You does a wonderful job at sharing thought provoking and soul evolving material so that we may step further into our most full selves. I experienced sheddings of Self with Yiz as my guide and the support of the group that I had always avoided. Not only that, I stepped into ways of being that felt unattainable and have since become a new norm. I am forever grateful for the expansion that UY provided my being.”

Yiz was a wonderful facilitator for the Unapologetically You course. She is 100% authentic in everything she says and does, she embodies the word authentic and honestly inspires you to be a better authentic version of yourself! I found parts of my soul that had gone into hiding and am so grateful for Yiz for helping me to uncover those parts of me. UY embraced me with love, support, compassion, encouragement, enthusiasm and held me accountable to being my true authentic self! Thank you for bringing little Ginger back into the light! I love you forever! Mahalo!

Gigi Stallings

Unapologetically You has changed my life in the best way possible! It has helped me to identify so many things about myself that I struggled to comprehend in the past. I will take the lessons and experience of this program with me for the rest of my life. Yiz was an amazing and supportive facilitator, creating a safe space for everyone to dig deep and start to become the best version of themselves. If everyone participated in Unapologetically You, the world would have so much peace.

“You get to see where you’re not 110% showing up as authentically you, to learn about yourself, uncover things you didn’t even know were things that you’ve been dealing with, and then look at them and deepen in reverence for these aspects of yourself that you might have been avoiding at the beginning of the journey. And that is the ultimate gift you can give yourself in all areas and aspects of your life.”

“At the beginning of this experience, I was much more a martyr and throughout Unapologetically You I really learned how to have a voice of my own and stand up for myself, in a way I was never willing to before. I learned to trust that what I have to say has value and that others have something to gain. In valuing more deeply my voice, it has offered freedom to my life and to life of those in my circle.”



Hi beautiful soul - I’m Yiz. The founder of The Self-Discovery Sanctuary and creator of the SOUL SHARE connection experience, Soul Share Cards, and Chakra Exploration Cards. I live a mission to support others to deepen self-awareness, foster more meaningful relationships, and illuminate the blueprint to living their most vital, authentic, and fulfilling life. I am passionate about helping others liberate their most unapologetic authentic expression and experience the infinite joy that results from aligning with their truth. 

 I have served 300+ souls, in communities locally, globally and virtually through transformational journeys. Where my clients and participants discover themselves more truthfully, activate their sovereignty, access belonging, perhaps even for the first time, feeling less alone in this world, a resounding sense of permission to be their authentic selves, greater self-awareness and clarity of how to lead a life imbued with meaning and purpose, and embraced exactly as they are.

I’ve held back, dimmed my light, and suppressed the authentic calling of my truth in the name of fear. Fear of rejection, fear of judgment, fear of ruffling feathers, fear of being “too much” and “not enough”, and believing I needed to behave a certain way to live an “appropriate” and “successful” life. Yet, in following the path of what others wanted me to do, in people pleasing to be liked, and in silencing the voice of my soul, I only found myself down in the trenches of rock bottom and royal dissatisfaction. Drowning in despair, shackled to my own self-limiting beliefs, caged by conformity, and desperate for relief from the inauthentic reality I found myself in. I was sick of living a lie, playing roles that brought aches to my bones, and ignoring my truth that was pleading for my attention.

For many years, I lived inside mental constructs that negatively impacted my life, my relationships, my sense of self, my inherent freedom, and my ability to see myself in my intrinsic creative power. After countless years of suffering, of betraying my inner guidance, of succumbing to the distorted projections of others, I devoted myself to the path of self-discovery, personal development, and creative expression. Writing my way into deep clarity and communion with my inner wisdom. Alchemizing my emotions into art. Unlocking authentic awareness and volition through self-inquiry questions. Accessing deep connection and profound intimacy with others I never knew possible. It’s incredible to see how enriching and rewarding this cultivation of my capacity to be with myself, my reflections, my vulnerability, and my full-spectrum emotions has been and lended to how I stand and serve in the world today.

I felt alienated, isolated, and terrified to be my true self for majority of my life, and now am living my dream, fully free in my expression, my Dharma, feeling deeper connection with myself and everyone around me than I ever knew possible, and completely healed my fears of rejection and judgment from my family and the world at large. Liberating my authentic expression has resulted in my walk of deep security of self and freedom to be myself in the world.

Along this journey of authenticity alignment, I let my courage run rampant and took the biggest leaps of my life all in the same year - moved to my dream island, left my safe & secure, yet inexpressibly grueling corporate job, left an unfulfilling relationship, started my own business, began serving in ways that aligned with my dharma, and said yes to my dreams. For my ability to take risks that felt alive and true in my heart has directly correlated to my experience of inner and outer freedom.

Living in radical integrity, freedom and alignment with my ever-evolving truth, I guide others into self-reflection to discover their most authentic self, reclaim their fullest expression and connect to their innate wisdom. Where we liberate repressed parts of ourselves through love and belonging. Our societal constructs and expectations sets many of us up for an inauthentic and small life, and I pray my story can be a living example and beacon for souls out there longing for drastic change and to become fully expressed in their lives. Ultimately leading to more love and safety in the common heart of humanity.

Interested in connecting further to see if this is right for you?

Schedule your complimentary 30-minute authentic discovery call below: