A catalyst for self-discovery & authentic connection

the three pillars

  • Self-Discovery

    The treasure of knowing ourselves in the truest, deepest, and fullest possible context. We achieve this through self-inquiry with the Soul Share Cards, journal prompts/writing exercises, and guided meditation, exploring larger, more inclusive aspects of our personalities & souls.

  • Empowered Vulnerability

    The beautiful journey of co-creating a safe & sacred space to lean into vulnerability and courage to express ourselves and embrace feeling seen, heard, and accepted in all that you are and are becoming.

  • Authentic Connection

    The powerful experience of bravely expressing what’s real and true in any given moment and relishing in the experience of uninhibited connection as we welcome each other in our full-spectrum humanity.

My mission with Soul Share Connection circles is to create A safe & sacred container for exploring our inner-most truth, expressing our unfiltered authentic selves, and sharing on our full spectrum humanity through opening our voices, creative writing, guided meditation, and authentic relating exercises. My wish is for everyone to have a safe outlet for expressing all parts of themselves - from the darkness to the light, the longing to the limiting beliefs and everything in between. Then for that strengthening of courage, self-awareness and embodiment to ripple out into our relationships outside of Soul Share, inspiring more unapologetic authenticity & empowered vulnerability in our world.

-Yiz | Soul Share Founder

imagine this…

A mixed group of strangers, acquaintances, and friends gather in an intentional circle to explore deeper layers of themselves and express on the parts of the human experience that often remains unspoken.

An ambiance of safety is created so you feel open to share your truth, your struggles, your musings and contemplations where you might typically stay silent. There’s a current of vulnerability, empowerment, and acceptance weaving through the container which brings a profound sense of presence and connection.

You feel deep resonance with everyone’s shares, you feel ignited with inspiration, you feel the comfort of human belonging, you aren’t afraid to own your story, for you realize you aren’t alone in it. You feel seen, heard, and showered with love for exactly who you are…

This is the medicine of a Soul Share Connection Circle.

be human,

Discover Soul.

Creating an open door where it was previously closed,

Creating a window where there was previously a wall,

creating safety where there was previously fear.

This is for you if…

⬩You crave vulnerability & meaningful connection with like-minded souls

⬩You desire to deepen in self-awareness & connection to your inner wisdom

⬩ You long for a safe space to speak your truth & express your heart

⬩You want to feel seen, heard, accepted, & embraced in your authentic humanity

⬩You feel called to deepen in community & intentional shared presence

⬩ You yearn to connect heart-to-heart with your family, friends, partner, or coworkers

⬩ You desire to develop new tools for effective communication and accessing new layers of richness in conversation

let’s face it - we all desire more meaningful connection.

As humans, we inherently long to belong, to be accepted for who we are, to feel seen in all our colors, and to know that we aren’t alone on this journey. Though taking a myriad of forms and expressions, we all experience an assortment of similar emotions, fears, desires, and inspirations along the spectrum of humanity. And there is no better treasure than feeling like we can relate to someone or inspire them in an ever-enchanting exchange of compassionate relating. To be seen and heard can be a rare occurrence in many of our lives, and there is no underestimating the medicine in that alone.

In a world where we are largely disconnected, it can be challenging to find natural ways to delve deeper into connection with those we love or would like to get to know authentically. A Soul Share Connection experience gently ushers open the door for meaningful connection to be cultivated through thought-provoking conversation initiators that lead to feelings of relatability and resonance, belonging, inspiration, permission, compassion, and so much more.

What they’ve said

  • “I simply cannot speak highly enough of Yiz’s Soul Share. Yiz is an immaculate space holder, genuinely listening to and receiving all that passes through the circle. I have never been to a Soul Share where each person is not deeply moved. Because of the setting Yiz creates, every soul feels safe being seen and felt by the other sharers. No time is similar to the last or next; each circle is its own unique experience with those in it with you. I have both experienced and witnessed deep healing from these circles and am forever grateful for the container that is a Soul Share Connection Circle.”

  • “Soul Share has been such a profound and fruitful tool for connecting with my family in a level of openness, vulnerability, and intimacy that is atypical and otherwise difficult (if not impossible) to access. The Soul Share experience easefully and effortlessly opens the gates of our hearts to true, meaningful connection that we all crave but struggle to initiate on our own. Seeing the way my parents and other family members have leaned into vulnerability and self-expression has been such a gift. Soul Share circles have brought us closer together tremendously.”

  • “My experience with virtual Soul Share circles has been amazing. Yiz and her Soul Share Cards deck provide a safe and beautiful space to listen, reflect, share, feel, and grow. She facilitates an environment where there is no expectation or burden, it’s simply a time to be present and do what you need to with the medicine that comes. These past few years have made it difficult to connect with others, so it’s an amazing way to meet other individuals who may share similar interests, hobbies and ideas as you.”

  • “The energy I have left Soul Share circles with is undeniable; Yiz holds such a receptive space. Promoting deep thought & presence through her pure passion & utter elation. It's a blessing to hear the stories shared. Yiz is able make every participant feel deeply heard & seen. Our Soul Share offerings come together in a type of prayer, we sing these prayers together and then leave with newfound messages to learn & share. If you have the opportunity to attend one of these gatherings it is ensured you will leave with questions answered & questions to ponder.”

  • “Virtual Soul Share circles have truly been a spiritual space for me. I leave feeling full, connected and seen. Yiz is one of the most open-hearted and divinely connected souls I’ve had the pleasure of knowing. Her determination to deeply know the truth of herSelf, then to guide & empower others along their evolution is inspiring and very needed. Thank you for creating the Soul Share space, it’s been a safe genuine loving space.”

  • My experience with Yiz was so expansive and really allowed me to touch & express the edges of my heart, and safely interact with my fears. It felt like my heart grew to 10 times the size it was before and that this incredible power was surging through me, as if I was feeling my whole energy body stretching beyond my preconceived limits of love. I felt masterfully guided , safe, playful, sensual, powerful, full of grace and the beautiful & profound exercises set up by Yiz & her precise wisdom truly allows you to gently yet deeply pierce the boundaries of your heart to where you can relax deeper into your true self!!!

  • “This was my first time doing anything like this with my family. We met Yiz at a beautiful beach side & started with a meditation. This helped me to be present and really feel free to express. We drew cards that asked us to look inward and branched off into conversations & laughter. I shared some very emotional moments. Each question I began to think deeper into myself. It was a great space to reflect as a family & I walked away feeling a lot more connected to each of them.”

  • “This experience was something I didn’t know I needed so much and it ended up exceeding my expectations. Connecting deeper to myself & having a safe space to share my feelings with my loved ones was super healing!! Yiz held the circle beautifully with her empathy & compassion I was so comfortable. 10/10 these Soul Share Circles are a catalyst for deep, meaningful connection.”

  • Yiz’s Soul Share process is geared towards dispelling myths of external judgment and opening the eyes to the power of one's own voice from within. Personally I have experienced - for the first time mind you - a deep sense of belonging, both within the container and out. To see it clearly is to understand there are those who are ready to love you deeply though they do not yet know you. To engage with it is to admit on some level that you are deserving of that love and to begin allowing positive change and growth.

for the fearless pursuit & embodiment of your truth.