More times than not, people are interacting and falling in love with each other's theatrical selves.

You know, that curated "resume" version of you that is secretly super self-conscious and therefore hyper-vigilant to how you are being perceived. I know we've all had that experience before with a crush, or perhaps even new friends. We want them to see the best and most beautiful of us, so naturally, we conceal the parts of ourselves we believe, either consciously or subconsciously, are unbeautiful and might put us at risk for rejection.

Relational freedom looks like valuing your authentic experience over social performance. Valuing your peace over succumbing to pressure to be, behave, show up, or express in any particular way. To quite literally feel that free - that no matter who you are with, and what you believe they expect of you, you are you. In whomever “you” is in that day or moment.


  • you desire to be seen more fully & authentically

  • you fear being perceived certain ways

  • you desire to express more parts and dimensions of you

  • you fear rejection or being seen

  • you desire to be free of expectations and pressures to fit in certain boxes

UNMASKED is an introspective journey through all the layers you both show & hide from the external world as we create a bridge into the heart of your authentic self.

In this working class, we will be diving deep into a transformational Transpersonal Psychology practice that will leave you feeling clear on the roles you play out in your relational dynamics, tools for distinguishing and anchoring the true you beneath the theatrical self masks, and a sense of freedom from expectations and pressures to be any certain way onward.

With upgraded self-awareness and compassion, you will leave with:

- A clearer picture of who you are authentically, able to distinguish the True Self from Theatrical self

- Understanding the root of why you show up the way you do in situations, relationships, and in the world at large

- Awareness around how sacrificing your authenticity affects & harms both you and those around you

- Tangible tools for being the you beneath the masks and anchoring in freedom of being, all of you

- Practices to free yourself of expectations and pressures to be a certain way and instead be in your truth

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120-minute workshop for free!

Theatrical self POV:

You hide how you really feel, hold back sharing your emotional truth, denying yourself the opportunity to express your real experience because you’re afraid to compromise the connection and fear being rejected. 

You don’t enforce or even express your boundaries, afraid that they’ll push the other person away and you’ll “lose” them.

You pretend and present that everything’s okay even when it’s not. Because you don’t believe you fear that revealing what’s real could result “poorly” so it’s best to not even try. 

You present the best, most idealized, “resume” self, because you believe that this is the only way you can earn love and acceptance.

You force yourself to be happy, positive, friendly, giving, flexible, easygoing, or “chill”, because you’re convinced that if you aren’t these things around others, you’ll be rejected or viewed unfavorably. 

True self POV:

You let your true self be SEEN. You don’t over-extend or force yourself to be any different than what is real in the moment.

You exist and relate with unwavering self-respect. You put your authenticity at the forefront. You being real is your priority.

You know deeply that you are lovable as you are, and need not prove, earn, convince, or contrive for love, acceptance, and support.

You say and do what is true, even if it's hard and feels vulnerable. You trust yourself to grow through any discomfort.

You are free to be unapologetically, authentically you in all settings, circumstances, and contexts. 

You place greater value in being real than being received. Authentic over being falsely accepted.