You’re invited

To a Four-Day Online Immersion with a constellation of 11 mentors to help inspire & ignite freedom of authentic expression in your voice, relationships, body, and creativity.

The Metamorphosis Project is here to help you cultivate the inner safety and confidence to follow your impulses for honest, raw, and real self-expression. To be a free-flowing conduit for creative life force energy, emotional alchemy and vessel for undiluted, uninhibited truth. For to hold back is to restrict the current of love seeking to enliven you and the world.

for each time you hold back from the impulses for self-expression, you deny yourself the gift of your aliveness. . .

each time you restrict the flow of freedom personified through you, you deny yourself the birthright of your soulful abandon.

    • you speak your truth with ease and confidence

    • you say “yes” only when you mean it, and “no” even when it’s scary

    • you value yourself by sharing / enforcing your boundaries and what’s important to you

    • you aren’t afraid or timid in sharing your feelings, perspectives, needs or desires

    • you honor the wisdom that comes through your channel and feel safe to express it

    • you don’t hide certain parts of yourself or your emotions around others

    • you feel safe to be truth, to deviate from how others expect you to be, or how you believe you need to be, and evolve

    • you feel empowered in your vulnerability and to reveal what’s real in any given moment

    • you feel safe and excited to explore your edges with intimacy and presence with others

    • you don’t judge or resist emotions that find your body, instead you welcome them

    • you hold yourself through navigating intense emotional seas and use them as creative fuel

    • you don’t worry about what it looks like, instead you care more about what it feels like

    • you easefully access the hidden gem of wisdom in your emotional challenges

    • you move your body however it wants to and experience the alchemy of somatic release practices

    • you freely follow your curiosity, inspiration and interest

    • you let yourself be messy and imperfect because your freedom of the experience is more important than the result

    • you nurture your creative impulses and visions for the sake of them healing you

    • you create without agenda - for nobody else but you

    • you utilize your creative energy as a tool for alchemy, sovereignty, and self-transformation

We are creators built to express. Every day, blessed with free will to choose -

How real do I want to be in the world today? How honest in my relations? How free in my actions? How liberated in my creativity?

  • Do you experience a yearning to feel more free?

  • Do you feel trapped in a shell, one that is restrictive and limits your ability to express your full self? To be in your full-spectrum you-ness?

  • Do you hold yourself back from following your impulses or desires for self-expression?

  • Do you resist feeling certain emotions and have a judgement that expressing them is bad, wrong, or unnecessary in someway?

  • Is there something you’re holding yourself back from creating? A creation you’ve been longing to experiment with for some time but feel defeated from the battle in your mind that lists of reasons to not try?

Majority of us are existing in fractured personalities, only able to be our “true selves” with certain people, places, and contexts. It takes a certain courage, confidence, and audacity to be who you are. Which is ironic really, because you didn’t come here to be anyone else.

To dilute your fullness, to hide your truth, to hold back on allowing self-expression and stopping creative life force energy in its tracks. Stunting not only your own freedom, but the creative energy responsible for raising the vibration of the collective humanity. Being yourself is mean’t to be the most natural thing in the world.

Each day, you get. . .

  • to discover and liberate the parts of you craving expression - to be seen, heard, and expressed

  • that will help you cultivate safety with yourself and further your inner freedom with leaning into expression edges - dance therapy, vocal empowerment, writing alchemy, and Soul Share authentic relating

  • living and serving in their authentic expression, joy, and freedom, who mirror the infinite potential that resides within you

You’ll also get:

  • Private Facebook community of like-hearted souls to share your experience with, get inspired, support each others breakthroughs and integrations, and ask Q&A questions

  • Daily self-reflection journal prompts & affirmations

  • Prizes from me - my transformational self-development + relational tools :: Soul Share Cards + Chakra Exploration Cards decks!

Brave One,

You did not come here to be less. You came here to take delight in the way inspiration and vitality moves through you. To savor the moments of pure ecstasy in expression of your authentic self.

To be and feel

immersion Schedule

February 19-22

2x LIVE calls per day
soulshops + speaker session recordings will also be emailed to you

(1 hour) 12pm PST | 3pm EST

(1 hour) 5pm PST | 8pm EST


    DAY 1 | The importance of befriending the shedding process. The parts of ourselves we meet when we desire change, and the resulting ego deaths that occur in the process of unbecoming.


    DAY 2 | The value of no longer, not yet. Remaining in the chrysalis discovery of yourself and how expression wants to move through you. Where we learn to listen to the muse of the moment.


    DAY 3 | The way we show ourselves what’s possible when we lean into novelty. How we lean into our edges and watch ourselves transform fear into freedom.


    DAY 4 | The choice to birth ourselves anew with moment-to-moment authenticity. Following the true code, rhythm and metamorphosis cycles of you.

Featured Speakers & Facilitators

Prizes brought to you by:

$44 value

$60 value

There’s no feeling that compares to the one that arises when you’re conscious to your own inner liberation…

To the feeling of freedom living, breathing and thumping inside your body, your psyche, and your breath.

The tangible texture of the empty and fertile space where blocks previously existed,

now cleared canvases for which you can now paint on.

My god does this feel sublime. 

The timid creator which has been tamed in the name of judgement, comparison, and taunting fears of rejection now unshackled, 

from the cage of limiting stories that prevent the bliss of shameless self-expression,

now flys free.


into the vast realms of ecstatic reclamation. 

Hi beautiful soul - I’m Yiz. The founder of The Self-Discovery Sanctuary and creator of the SOUL SHARE connection experience, Soul Share Cards, and Chakra Exploration Cards. I live a mission to support others to deepen self-awareness, foster more meaningful relationships, and illuminate the blueprint to living their most vital, authentic, and fulfilling life. I am passionate about helping others liberate their most unapologetic authentic expression and experience the infinite joy that results from aligning with their truth. 


I’ve held back, dimmed my light, and suppressed the authentic calling of my truth in the name of fear. Fear of rejection, fear of judgment, fear of ruffling feathers, fear of being “too much” and “not enough”, and believing I needed to behave a certain way to live an “appropriate” and “successful” life. Yet, in following the path of what others wanted me to do, in people pleasing to be liked, and in silencing the voice of my soul, I only found myself down in the trenches of rock bottom and royal dissatisfaction. Drowning in despair, shackled to my own self-limiting beliefs, caged by conformity, and desperate for relief from the inauthentic reality I found myself in. I was sick of living a lie, playing roles that brought aches to my bones, and ignoring my truth that was pleading for my attention.

For many years, I lived inside mental constructs that negatively impacted my life, my relationships, my sense of self, my inherent freedom, and my ability to see myself in my intrinsic creative power. After countless years of suffering, of betraying my inner guidance, of succumbing to the distorted projections of others, I devoted myself to the path of self-discovery, personal development, and creative expression. Writing my way into deep clarity and communion with my inner wisdom. Alchemizing my emotions into art. Unlocking authentic awareness and volition through self-inquiry questions. Accessing deep connection and profound intimacy with others I never knew possible. It’s incredible to see how enriching and rewarding this cultivation of my capacity to be with myself, my reflections, my vulnerability, and my full-spectrum emotions has been and lended to how I stand and serve in the world today.


I’ve felt alone for most of my life. For as long as I can remember I craved deeper connection - the kind that isn’t found on the surface realms of conversation or in sharing the same room as others, but rather, in a different quality of presence where you are really seeing, feeling, empathizing, and welcoming another in their full-spectrum humanness. Although a naturally social being, I felt immensely disconnected. Carrying this longing for more - more depth, more realness, more truth, more permission. A desire for more intimacy - but not the kind that society told me. An intimacy of soul, a belonging to what makes us all one species, navigating a human experience that is much more similar than different.


Along the pursuit of more authentic expression, what once birthed from a need to bring a particular quality of medicine to my own life, become a sought-after elixir for many hearts of humanity. I created my first deck - the Soul Share Cards - initially to create a playful tool for people to construct a container that would allow for  deeper layers of relating and to serve as a tool to guide others into introspection. Both as a catalyst for deeper connection with oneself and with another, they act as a conduit for that flavor of connection we all secretly crave as humans, as well as offer that initial spark of direction for journaling as we explore all that richness of our vast inner worlds. In full transparency, I thought I was going to be giving my first small batch away as Christmas gifts, and when I joyfully revealed them to my online community, more as a celebration of my creative actualization, I was utterly astounded by the response, and how those first 50 decks all sold within the first 2 weeks. In that moment, two things became clear to me -

1. We first and foremost create for us. I created Soul Share to weave the blanket of belonging in my humanity + spirituality first to wrap and warm myself. Naturally, when we find a medicine that works for us individually, it becomes a medicine for many of humanity. For what's personal is always universal as one species, one soul, one heartbeat.
2. When you create from a place of deep soul-alignment, life will respond, even conspire, for your highest unfolding and attainment of that vision.

I later created my second card deck - the
Chakra Exploration Cards, helping people to align in their truth, rebalance their lives, reclaim their sovereign template and activate in their power through self-inquiry and affirmations. Throughout these past 3 years, over 600 combined decks have been purchased and are now circulating around the world, pumping aliveness into hearts opening themselves up to connection everywhere. I feel tremendously blessed to know of the power of a single deck, the ripple a single moment of connection inspires in the collective fabric of our humanity's awakening and in our relationships onward. Of our humanity's return to the sovereign truth that lives and breathes within each of us. 

The SOUL SHARE Connection Experience, born from the seed of my Soul Share Cards, is a space to strengthen our courage, expand self-awareness and practice authentic expression that might otherwise feel challenging or impossible. In a context where you are guaranteed to be received, accepted, and loved for who you are, SOUL SHARE offers a sanctuary to learn and practice embodiment exercises, which then leave us feeling more equipped to bring this depth to our relationships outside of the container, inspiring more unapologetic authenticity and empowered vulnerability in our world. SOUL SHARE is comprised of three pillars - Self-Discovery, Empowered Expression, and Authentic Connection, where I guide people, genders, and ages of all walks of life in with the primary intention to welcome all of you home to your inherent belonging - both within yourself and amongst others. I have facilitated workshops for 300+ souls, serving communities locally, globally and virtually. In this transformational journey, participants leave feeling less alone in this world, a sense of permission to be their authentic selves, clarity of how to lead a life imbued with meaning and purpose, and embraced exactly as they are.

A sensitive and deeply feeling being, I grew up in New York with a highly opinionated family with a very different map and compass for navigating this world. Often feeling misunderstood, family was a place I could never be my raw, unfiltered authentic self. For so many years I desired to have more meaningful interactions with my family. A yearning to feel more connected to them, less "different" and alienated, and to be met in a more heartfelt, raw, and vulnerable space. It wasn’t until I created the Soul Share Cards that our walls dissolved and hearts softened to really receive one another. Where I was once judged, rejected, and berated for being my true self, I am now seen, received, and celebrated. I have guided my family in several SOUL SHARE Connection Experiences and each journey has resulted in more understanding, warmth, and compassion. Where I was once afraid to reveal, I show myself fully. Where I once suppressed my voice, I now speak freely and openly. Where I was once fearing rejection, I am now more accpeted than ever - all in the embodiment of my authentic freedom.


For the longest time, the only place I felt safe to bring my fullest expression was to my journal. Ever since I was a little girl, writing was my outlet for honest emotional expression, the only place I could go to be fully received. I began writing consistently a decade ago, where I have shown up for my self-reflection writing and contemplation practice as devotedly as brushing my teeth. For it has been my life line, my life vest when life has tried to pull me under.

It is my outlet to express everything - the shameless and raw and gritty and real. The full holy spectrum it beckons the truest of me, this psyche and this soul. Writing has singlehandedly been the most valuable and fruitful self-connection & self-care practice of mine - keeping me true, grounded, mindful, and oriented towards growth & what matters. Writing has supported me through all of my deep life experiences - from the trenches to the summits. The lows to the heights. The trials to the triumphs. It has unfailingly guided my ability to transform my reality, my relationship to what unfolds in that reality, and reclaim my faculty for peace. My willingness to pick up the pen and write - for the simple sake of self-love, has allowed me to be the alchemist of my life. I have guided hundreds of people on journeys of writing exploration, with my Writing Alchemy course, in-person writing workshops, and even with my decks that serve as powerful writing prompts. Writing is the way I turn my blood into ink. My pain into poetry. And my aches into art.


These are just a few ways in which liberating my authentic expression has resulted in my walk of deep security of self and freedom to be myself in the world. Along this journey of authenticity alignment, I let my courage run rampant and took the biggest leaps of my life all in the same year - moved to my dream island, left my safe & secure, yet inexpressibly grueling corporate job, left an unfulfilling relationship, started my own business, began serving in ways that aligned with my dharma, and said yes to my dreams. For my ability to take risks that felt alive and true in my heart has directly correlated to my experience of inner and outer freedom.


Living in radical integrity, freedom and alignment with my ever-evolving truth, I guide others into self-reflection to discover their most authentic self, reclaim their fullest expression and connect to their innate wisdom. Where we liberate repressed parts of ourselves through love and belonging. Our societal constructs and expectations sets many of us up for an inauthentic and small life, and I pray my story can be a living example and beacon for souls out there longing for drastic change and to become fully expressed in their lives. Ultimately leading to more love and safety in the common heart of humanity.

is now one of my main mantras in this one, precious fleeting life. The revolution of my cultivating freedom inside myself has changed everything for me and I’m committed to using my expression as a permission slip for those needing an invitation into their fullness.

And so, are you ready for your revolution?


Follow @yiz_mariposa