What It Means To live metamorphically

We all know butterflies are a supremely powerful symbol of personal transformation, rebirth, and expanded consciousness. This mariposa animal totem and spirit guide never fail to usher in spiritual upheavals, which result in the greatest of all rewards — that of internal revolutions, and thus, collective evolution. Those who resonate with the butterfly symbolism, who are committed to the path of transformation, know how necessary it is to brave the dark and destructive process of undoing in favor of healing, liberation, and self-mastery. 

There is something so utterly baffling about the process of caterpillars becoming butterflies. Over a 30-day process, the caterpillar undergoes complete dissolution of what was, with no foresight for what would come next, only a faithful surrender into the mysterious void. It dissolves into a soup of cells, feeding on its previous version of self as it transforms into something entirely new. In utter oblivion, the butterfly becomes something of awe, magnificence, and beauty from a complete death of what it knew existence, perception, and life to be. 

I know the unsettling feeling of being in the cocoon — the cold and dark cellar of creation, because really, in the moment all it feels like is destruction. I know it can be quite natural to criticize and judge ourselves for being back in the cocoon, especially if we’ve grown comfortable in our more light, airy butterfly expression or believe we have overcome certain patterns, inner battles, and tension in our psyche. Yet, as a soul on the devoted path of growth and self-development, this alchemical process does not happen just once.

My love, do you know how many butterflies you will become over the course of your journey? Remember that most only live for a week, some only a month, and very few a whole year! This is the evolutionary dance of death & rebirth, of destruction & renewal. You’ve metaphorically died countless times and will be born evermore — in new colors, with larger wings, and more agility to fly to the flowers you’re called to pollinate.

This is the mariposa medicine — unencumbered by form, forever taking on transient shapes of caterpillars, chrysalises, and never before seen butterflies. How marvelous this destiny!

Metamorphic living is to exist in accordance with the cyclical nature of things. It's how we look to Mother Nature as our wise elder who effortlessly displays the beautiful impermanence of all states and how nothing ever remains fixed. It's our willingness to dissolve what isn't working or serving us in our lives and it's our commitment to becoming better versions of ourselves for the benefit of all beings. It is the intrinsic invitation that life offers us.

If you find yourself feeling trapped or helpless in the cocoon, know that you are growing, evolving, and transforming into a never-before-seen or felt version of your exquisite self. Know that no amount of willpower can accelerate the natural evolution of things. No amount of strategy can overpower what the Divine has in store for you.

So take a deep breath and let yourself surrender, resting patiently in the divine perfection of it all.


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