Becoming Butterfly

I sit here in awe of where I’ve come. 

Oh how long I felt like my life - like I was a lost cause.

How long I lost faith in my ability to transform,

to redesign my life, in ever making things better for myself.

As caterpillar, I gulped down undigested experiences as much and as quickly as I could.

How could one be so full of experiences, substances, and sensations,

yet feel so empty inside?

There was a highly intelligent knowingness inside me all along.

Just as the caterpillar is compelled to surrender to the dark, frightening, mysterious chrysalis,

my soul seemed to have been guiding me all along.

Three years inside of the density, the darkness, the cold and confronting womb,

because rarely ever does transformation occur overnight.

The deepest, most vulnerable surrender I’ve ever known - is undergoing my own metamorphosis.

The version of me before never again to exist,

sipped in as nourishment,

composted as fertilizer,

melted away into the caterpillar of who I once was.

My unshakable trust in something greater,

in the Divine’s arms holding me every step of the way.

Piercing through the tender walls of my cocoon,

the protection from my greatness, my becoming, my call of Self.

My wings unfold into full self-expression.

I am free,

I can so clearly see,

who all along I’ve been guided to be.

There is no better feeling than being

fully me. 




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