
with wakefulness comes great response-ability.

what to do with all this love?

what to make of what we see?

with power to perceive, what pocket of the world will you bless with your heart?

what aspects of your relations will you offer your nurturance?

where will you liberate more love, compassion & unity in the world?

let the Altar of our beautifully unbroken humanity alter you.

thrusting you forth into reverence for all-

everything you see, smell, touch, hear & taste - let it annihilate you into pure enrapturement.

utter fascination.

total union,

and an authentic volition to ACT.

let every aspect of your awareness cook you -

well done style.

don’t you know the banquet of God awaits you?

Be the Change.

Breathe the Change.

let life season you, 

faith and hope marinate you,

and love bake you, 

and thus you will rise -

bountiful, warm, and fresh for the feast.

where all who come into contact with you,

delight in the perennial impact

of your LOVE.


Becoming Butterfly