
In the depths of my inner oceans,

I am met by the many faces of my past.

I observe my scars like a montage of what’s influenced me.

I do not hold any resentment, anguish, or victim hood for these battles - both the one’s so willed

and the one’s I had no say in.

I see my many years of suffering sparkle and glow in the dark womb.

I devote myself to the opening of many doors on the funhouse of my repressed, unprocessed and unloved experiences.

I hold myself in the most tender, compassionate love as I welcome the monsters from inside my closets,

for I know they are my greatest teachers.

I know how much there too is to learn from the shadows, in the unseen.

I reclaim control, choice and authority over my life by sitting patiently with all that exists here in my underworld. 

I encourage these hidden and rejected aspects to take my hand,

to be loved, acknowledged, and most of all - accepted.

These waters of my past run deep,

there are lifetimes of different oceans coalescing into one.

It is here I tend to, I embrace, I allow.

And eventually,

my power grows to transmute and release any and all things

that hinder my authenticity. 




holy unraveling