
And perhaps there’s a place where peace can exist independent of circumstances.

A space deep in our core that is ever untouched by the happenings within the currents of change in our lives. 

An inner sanctuary that’s intrinsic and inherent to our existence.

Where regardless of what comes or goes,

we remain unshaken by life’s unpredictable winds.

What if I told you that this peace isn’t something you need to seek,

but rather a space you can surrender into.

Something always there, a reliable haven which hums the sweet melody of present moment bliss.

Can you let go of the need to fix things,

to control that which is uncontrollable,

to try and direct the course of God’s river?

For we must suspend the need for things to be more preferable if we are to ever know a moment’s peace.

We must suspend the need to always understand and grow closer in trust with the great mystery of divine unfoldment.

This peace,

is beyond conditions,

it is before reaction,

it is the birthplace of all.



